Climate Adaptation in EU (Climate-ADAPT)

The European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate Adapt) aims to support Europe in adapting to climate change. The platform provides knowledge on climate change adaptation actions in each of the Member States. In addition, Climate Adapt collects knowledge on climate change adaptation in relation to policies, guidelines, aid funds, research and tools.

The European Climate Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT is a partnership between the European Commission, EC Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA), and the European Environment Agency (EEA). Climate-ADAPT is maintained by the EEA with the support of the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Adaptation and LULUCF (ETC CA).

Climate-ADAPT has 5 main objectives: 

  1. Providing trusted data and information. The European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate- ADAPT) provides reliable, accessible, up-to-date and high-quality knowledge on climate change hazards, vulnerability and adaptation.

  2. Promoting solutions for action. Climate-ADAPT provides actionable knowledge to enable better informed adaptation planning, policies and practice.

  3. Empowering people for action at multiple levels. Climate-ADAPT supports more coherent and effective adaptation policies at all governance levels and in all policy sectors in Europe.

  4. Driving regional and community resilience. Climate‑ADAPT provides direct knowledge support to at least 150 European regions and communities under the EU mission on adaptation to climate change to become climate resilient by 2030.

  5. Supporting international adaptation action and exchanges. Climate-ADAPT helps to increase climate resilience globally and supports cooperation and exchanges with third countries on climate adaptation at all levels.
Type of organisation Target audience Knowlegde needs 
  • European Commission, European Parliament
  • Transnational Organisations
  • National governments
  • National Focal Points (Eionet)
  • Regional governments and municipalities
  • Partners of the European Climate and Health Observatory
  • Governmental decision-makers, working on adaptation at all governance levels and in specific policy sectors 
  • Condensed information (summaries, synthesis products) 
  • EU Working Group on Adaptation under the Climate Change Committee (WG 6)
  • Transnational regions’ focal points on adaptation
  • Eionet expert groups on Climate change, impacts, vulnerability and adaptation and on environment and health and potentially other Eionet expert groups
  • Consultants, intermediaries (government institutes, researchers) 
  • Organisations supporting governmental decision-makers at all governance levels in all policy sectors
  • Efficient search engine to quickly find relevant information · Structured information for comparisons · Exchange methodologies and findings from EU funded projects · Exchange experiences (peer-to-peer training)
  • Regional and local governments and their advising organisations (consultants, intermediaries such as government institutes, researchers) 
  • Regional and local decision-makers, participating in the EU Mission on adaptation
  • Practical information to implement adaptation on the ground, to exchange experiences and to report on progress 

Climate-ADAPT aims to support Europe in adapting to climate change helping users to access and share data and information on:

  • Expected climate change in Europe
  • Current and future vulnerability of regions and sectors
  • EU, national and transnational adaptation strategies and actions
  • Adaptation case studies and potential adaptation options
  • Tools that support adaptation planning

Climate-ADAPT organizes information under the following main entry points:

  • EU Policy: EU Adaptation Policy, Adaptation in EU Policy Sectors (Agriculture, Biodiversity, Coastal areas, Forestry, Water management, Marine and fisheries, Disaster Risk Reduction, Buildings, Energy, Transport, Health, Urban), EU Regional Policy, Key EU Actions (Just resilience, Nature-based Solutions
  • Countries, Transnational regions, Cities
  • Knowledge: Topics, Data and indicators, Research and innovation projects, Tools, Practice,
  • European Climate and Health Observatory
  • Networks
  • Database: the platform includes a database that contains quality checked information that can be easily searched.