Climate Adaptation in Denmark

Climate adaptation work by central government

In October 2023, the Danish government (comprising the Social Democratic Party, Denmark's Liberal Party and the Moderates) launched Climate Adaptation Action Plan 1. 

 The plan launches several national initiatives, including:

  • New legislation on managing high groundwater levels
  • Guidance for municipalities on how to include nature and environmental considerations in climate adaptation
  • Coastal protection for the west coast of Jutland and its critical infrastructure

The Ministry of Environment has been tasked with coordinating ministries, agencies and others in the concerted national efforts.

Work on Climate Adaptation Plan 1 has therefore got off to a good start. The various measures will be announced in the media or in the news section of this website after their implementation. 

Climate adaptation work by local government

At local government level, municipalities are responsible for mapping flood and erosion risks, for planning and prioritising climate adaptation action, and for granting permits for projects. The municipalities therefore work on climate adaptation in many different contexts. Read more about municipal planning tasks below.

Municipal and local development plans

According to the Danish Planning Act, municipalities are obligated to identify flood and erosion risk areas in their municipal development plan. If a municipality has plans for urban development in an identified risk area, the municipal development plan must include guidelines for flood or erosion mitigation measures. When a local development plan is subsequently drawn up for the area, this must specify the extent and scope of mitigation measures needed.

Rules are in place that allow municipalities to require developers to carry out mitigation measures in areas that have been identified as prone to flooding or erosion in the municipal development plan. These rules apply to all municipal land, whether urban or rural.